A Sticker Book Far, Far Away


Teaching sometimes is seen as a challenge, a challange that no so many can make it right. Keeping your students interested isn't as easy as it sounds. 

Specially Language classes, what's the point about writing and reading something if you don't really know why are you doing it? 

Since George Lucas' science fiction multi-film Star Wars saga has had a significant impact on modern popular culture.
 We'll use this website to make classes fun! 

A Sticker Book Far, far away lets you to create your own star wars story. 
using interactive charcaters and exploring different planets. 

You can always tell your students fun stories using new vocabulary, you can even let them create their own story! 

Forget about sudents sleeping or complaining about the work, with this website learning is going to be a fun game.

To save the story that you made you only have to create a free account and download it as a picture. You'll fin the link right above!

and remember...... MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU. 

A Sticker book far far, away :  