Elementary Kids

Kids are on the way of Learning Fast.

Nowadays kids seem very into the technology tools, they are the new generation that will be dependent on technology. Of course they need to know how to use it appropriately and make them see that it can be used within the educational learning.

Children are like sponges they can learn many things in the early age, but of course it's important that a teacher adapt the learning to their needs and how can it make it in a fun way, kids pay more attention in colorful stuffs and dynamic activities.
Let's get started! :)
What's the first thing that you need to show to your elementary kids?
Yes! You guess it! The Alphabet, besides of singing the ABC, which it is a great and a traditional way of learning there's also another fun way in able to learn it real fast and associated with other things that it's basic to learn.
Below lets see how can they learn the ABC.
Click here on this site, Keyboarding Zoo.

To the computer class! 
Image result for gifts dexters lab cartoon

On this site, the keyboard is divide in two colors, to identify how the kids are going to type. For example left hand it's going to be typing in the blue and left side and right hand, on the pink and right side.
The tutors of this web site Parents and Teachers. It can be used in class and also in home.

A fun way of learning the alphabet and get to know some animals.

Click GO
Below click if you want to heard the sound of the latter or the name of it.

And depend what have you selected you will hear the name of the latter or the sound of the letter by typing it.

Then it shows the animal that stars with the letter.

As you can see it's not hard to use it, actually it's very easy and is very entertaining.
Thank you for watching this, hope you like it! Have a good day! :)